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Reading, Listening, Watching: Resources on Race and Racism: Reading List - Print Books

JCC Library books. All are available for lending.


Morrison, Toni I know Why the Caged Bird Sings PS3551.N464 Z466 2002
Morrison, Toni Tar Baby PS3563.O8749 T37 2004
Ellison, Ralph Invisible Man PS3555.L625 I5 1992
Morrison, Toni The Bluest Eye PS3563.O8749 B58 1972
Whitehead, Colson The Nickel Boys PS3573.H4768 N53 2019
Whitehead, Colson The Underground Railroad PS3573.H4768 U53 2016
Coates, Ta-Nehisi The Water Dancer PS3603.O17 W38 2019
Thomas, Angie The Hate U Give Young Adult PZ7.1.T4567 Hat 2017
Williams, Alicia Genesis Begins Again Young Adult PZ7.1.W5456 Gen 2019
Reynolds, Jason All American boys  Young Adult PZ7.R33593 Al 2015 


Eberhardt, Jennifer L.  Biased : uncovering the hidden prejudice that shapes what we see, think, and do  BF575.P9 E34 2019 
Haley, Alex as told by Malcom X The Autobiography of Malcolm X BP223.Z8 L57943 1992
Collins, Christopher S. White out : understanding white privilege and dominance in the modern age  E184.A1 C538 2017 
Fleming, Crystal Marie How to be less stupid about race : on racism, White supremacy, and the racial divide  E184.A1 F576 2018  
Kendi, Ibram X. How to be an antiracist  E184.A1 K344 2019  
Roithmayr, Daria Reproducing Racism : How Everyday Choices Lock In White Advantage  E184.A1 R4467 2014
Love, Erik Islamophobia and racism in America E184.M88 L68 2017 
Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's Great Migration E185.6 .W685 2010
Baldwin, James The Fire Next Time E185.61 .B195 1995
Gates, Jr., Henry Louis  Stony the Road: Reconstruction, White Supremacy, and the Rise of Jim Crow E185.61 .G253 2019
Thompson-Miller, Ruth Jim Crow's legacy : the lasting impact of segregation  E185.61 .T465 2015 
Coates, Ta-Nehisi Between the world and me  E185.615 .C63 2015 c.2  
Feagin, Joe Racist America: Roots, Current Realities and Future Reparations E185.615 .F387 2000
Ward, Jesmyn The fire this time : a new generation speaks about race  E185.615 .F526 2016  
Shellow, Robert The harvest of American racism : the political meaning of violence in the summer of 1967  E185.615 .H3258 2018
Pitts, Leonard Racism in America : cultural codes and color lines in the 21st century  E185.615 .P5434 2016
Yancy, George Backlash : what happens when we talk honestly about racism in America  E185.615 .Y36 2018
Young, Damon What doesn't kill you makes you blacker : a memoir in essays E185.97.Y632 A3 2019  
Jacobs, Harriet Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl E444 .J17 A3
Douglass, Frederick My Bondage and My Freedom E449 .D738 1968
Obama, Barack The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream E901.1.O23 A3 2006
Coates, Ta-Nehisi We Were Eight Years in Power: An American Tragedy E907 .C63 2017
Obama, Michelle Becoming E909.O24 A3 2018
Anderson, Elijah Code of the Street: Decency, Violence, and the Moral Life of the Inner City F158.9.N4 A52 1999
Martin, Lori Latrice White sports, black sports : racial disparities in athletic programs  GV706.32 .M385 2015  
DiAngelo, Robin J. White fragility : why it's so hard for White people to talk about racism  HT1521 .D486 2018  
Gillon, Steven M. Separate and unequal : the Kerner Commission and the unraveling of American liberalism  HV6477.G56 2018  
Alexander, Michelle The New Jim Crow : Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness HV9950 .A437 2010
Crump, Benjamin Open season : legalized genocide of colored people  HV9950 .C79 2019
Kahn, Jonathan Race on the brain : what implicit bias gets wrong about the struggle for racial justice  HV9950 .K34 2018  
Davis, Angela J. Policing the Black man : arrest, prosecution, and imprisonment  HV9950 P64 2017  
West, Cornel Democracy Matters: Winning the War Against Imperialism JC423 .W384 2004
Stevenson, Bryan Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption KF373.S74 A3 2014
Matias, Cheryl E. Feeling white : whiteness, emotionality, and education LC212.2 .M385 2016 
Seltzer, Richard & Nicole Johnson Experiencing racism : exploring discrimination through the eyes of college students  LC212.2 .S45 2009
Behnken, Brian D. Racism in American popular media : from Aunt Jemima to the Frito Bandito P94.5.M552 U625 2015 
Nel, Philip Was the Cat in the Hat black? : the hidden racism of children's literature, and the need for diverse books  PN1009.5.R32 N47 2017  
Metzl, Jonathan Dying of whiteness : how the politics of racial resentment is killing America's heartland  RA563.M56 M48 2019 
Takei, George They Call Us Enemy Young Adult D769.8.A6 T355 2019
Noble, Safiya Umoja Algorithms of oppression : how search engines reinforce racism ZA4230 .N63 2018