Druesedow, John E. "Civil War, the." Grove Music Online. 04. Oxford
University Press. Date of access 24 May. 2021, <https://www.oxford
Direct access to The Civil War by John E. Druesdow. Login using MyJCC
Pratt, Ray. "Vietnam War." Grove Music Online. 16. Oxford University
Press. Date of access 24 May. 2021, <https://www.oxfordmusic
Direct access to Vietnam War by Ray Pratt. Login using MyJCC
O'Brien, Tim. The Things They Carried: A Work of Fiction.
Mariner Books/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009.
Available in print at JCC Library (2 hour use): Textbooks on Reserve PS3565.B75 T48 2009
Samet, Elizabeth D. Soldier's Heart: Reading Literature Through
Peace and War at West Point. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007.
Available in print at JCC Library: Main Collection PS49.U65 S36 2007
Turner, Brian. Here, Bullet. Alice James Books, 2014.
Available as ebook (login with MyJCC username/password), and in print in the JCC Library: Main Collection PS3620.U763 H47 2005
Hunt, Michael H. A Vietnam War Reader A Documentary History
from American and Vietnamese Perspectives. University of
North Carolina Press, 2010.
Available as ebook (login with MyJCC username/password), and in print in the JCC Library (2 hour use): Textbooks on Reserve DS557.4 .V626 2010
Karnow, Stanley. Vietnam: A History. Viking, 1991.
Available in print at JCC Library: Main Collection DS558 .K37 1991
Gienapp, William E. The Civil War and Reconstruction: A
Documentary Collection. W.W. Norton, 2001.
Available in print at JCC Library: Main Collection E464 .C44 2001
Dean, Eric T. Shook Over Hell: Post-traumatic Stress, Vietnam,
and the Civil War. Harvard University Press, 1999.
Available in print at JCC Library: Main Collection RC552.P67 D434 1999