JCC students need a SUNY card to check out books.
Books circulate for 3 weeks. JCC students can borrow up to 6 books at a time, 3 on a subject. Other college students and community members are restricted to 3 books at a time.
Books may be renewed over the phone as long as they are not yet overdue. Call 315-786-2225 to renew a book. You can also log into your library account in CannonCat and renew your books.
Use Primo on the Library homepage - to find print books and eBooks. Do your search and then limit to eBooks/books under Material Type. If you want only print books then choose Held by Library under Availability. For eBooks choose Available Online under Availability.
Electronic books are easy to use - and a great resource for online learners!
Passwords: You may be asked to login when you click on a link to a database or an electronic book. Use your MyJCC user name and password. If you do not know your MyJCC user name and password, look at the library handout "Accessing the JCC Databases from Your Home or Office". If you still have trouble, ask for help from Instructional Technology by contacting the StudentHelpDesk. Call 315-786-6511 or toll free 1-888- 435-6522, and ask for the Help Desk.
JCC has several databases that provide reference books - encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc. in e-book form. You can find them listed on the Encyclopedias and Reference Books page. Read the instructions for passwords in the box above if you don't know how to log in.
Email the library
or phone 315-786-2482