Monday - Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
We offer a wealth of quality research resources via this research guide and our website.
You will likely need to login once you attempt to access a library database or ebook for the first time in your research session.
When the white login screen appears simply enter your MyJCC login username and password. Further details are available via the link below.
We encourage you to look at each tab of this guide and explore the various databases and resources we offer. Our physical library hours are listed in the left hand column, as well as tips for logging in to our virtual resources.
One of our primary services is to offer you help! We can help you with the research process, as well help accessing specific resources, and assistance with citations, and more.
My personal contact information, as well as links to other sources of help from the library are listed in the column to the right. Please do not hesitate to ask questions, I am here to help!
John Thomas
Asst. Librarian
In general, college research requires the use of authoritative sources. Here are a few characteristics of authoritative sources:
The Library offers literally millions of sources for your research projects. In addition to our traditional books, you can remotely access our many databases and other licensed resources for newspapers, magazines, journals; research reports, hundreds of thousands of ebooks and more.
I check my email and phone messages several times a day during my normal work hours (9:00 am - 5:00 pm EST Monday through Friday). I also monitor discussion boards in online classes that I participate in, with the goal checking them at least once each work day.
If you need immediate help after my work day ends, during the weekends, when I am on vacation, or if I am not available when you call, contact the librarian at the Reference Desk, send our reference staff an email, or chat with a librarian online (likely not a JCC librarian, but helpful nonetheless) as outlined on our "Ask a Librarian" web page.
I look forward to working with you.