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SUNY Jefferson

JCC Library News & Information: Fall 2022

The Library staff welcomes you to a new semester and new school year!  Here are some recent news items and an overview of our services.
If prompted for login for any resource links use your MyJCC credentials.

New Staff Member:

Please welcome Beverly Scarpulla to JCC!
Beverly earned her BA in Latin and Psychology at Elmira College and her Masters in Information and Library Studies from SUNY Buffalo.

Raised in Buffalo, she comes to JCC from Rochester where she was a school librarian. She looks forward to employing her extensive background in library instruction to help JCC students transition from high school or work to college and then graduate.

Beverly, her husband Chuck and their two dogs are looking forward to exploring the North Country and making new friends along the way.

Beverly Scarpulla


Instruction Requests:

Please schedule your librarian instruction sessions as soon as possible, as usual the calendar is filling up!

We welcome the opportunity to provide library instruction to your students.  Traditional in-person sessions in the Library or your hybrid classroom are available, as are sessions on Zoom for live online classes. We can also develop active learning online exercises (Example exercise) for fully online sections.

If you have not requested instruction before, please be sure to:

  • Allow time for us to prepare. Schedule your session at least two weeks ahead of time if possible. Development of online exercises can be time-consuming, additional lead time may be required for preparing those materials.
  • Provide us with a copy of any assignments relating to the instruction session.  This will help us tailor the instruction session and/or materials to best serve your students.
  • Plan to attend the session with your students. Your presence underscores the importance of the instruction to your students and faculty members are frequently called upon to answer questions specific to the projects that the students are working on.

For in-person classes you may also reserve our library instruction area for a follow-up research session. Your attendance is also required for these sessions and we ask that you also schedule these ahead of time.

Problems, questions?  Please contact Beverly Scarpulla at 315-786-2224 or for answers and/or to schedule a session.


New Databases: 

Diversity & Ethnic Studies eBook Collection:  Includes nearly 5,000 high-quality e-books on the topics of diversity, equity, and inclusion.


Study Rooms (Zoom/Group Study):
We offer rooms that provide students with a place to participate in Zoom class sessions in relative privacy -- please share this information with your classes.

We also have rooms with television screens and white walls intended for 2 to 5 JCC students engaged in group study or projects.

All these rooms are currently available on a first come, first served basis. Inquire at the Information & Services Desk.


Research Resources: 

If you are new to JCC and have not reviewed the library’s resources, point your browser to:

  • Use Primo for quick searches of MOST of our online resources, including over 500,000 ebooks. 
  • The A-Z List of Databases link will lead you to detailed listings of the over 75 databases the library offers.
  • The Films, Images, and Media link provides access to databases providing a variety of online media resources.  ImageQuest is very popular with students looking for copyright-cleared images for presentations.  Our streaming film databases are also used a good deal by faculty and students alike. Swank Digital Campus provides streaming popular films, if you have a title you need your class to watch we may be able to arrange access to it. Contact John Thomas at 315-786-2314 or for details.



LibGuides are a resource that provides us with the ability to construct online research guides for individual classes.  We can provide customized resource menus and link to library databases and websites.  Contact us if you would like to work with a librarian and construct a LibGuide for your course.  You can take a look at existing LibGuides by pointing your browser to:


Facebook Page: 

You can view our Facebook page via the following link:

Textbook and Library Reserves: 

The Library has a collection of selected textbooks that students may use in the Library, as well as a Reserves service that allows faculty members to place additional materials in the library for their students to use. Students are allowed to use the materials in the library for up to 2 hours.  Please make arrangements for Reserves with Cyndie Sloan at 315-786-6575 or  Cyndie can also place DVDs on reserve for students to watch outside of class or to make up for missing it in class.

You can also provide links to database articles, ebooks, and streaming video in your classes.  Contact John Thomas at 315-786-2314 or if you would like additional information and/or help doing this.


Ask Us 24/7:

Ask Us 24/7 is a live online reference service that connects users to professional librarians (although not necessarily a JCC librarian) via a web-based chat interface. This free service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  Our link to Ask Us 24/7 is found on our Ask for Help page:


Interlibrary Loan(ILL) News:

New faculty members should know that our ILL office is happy to obtain books and articles for you (and for your students) that our library does not own. 

There are usually no charges for these requests.  Contact Renee Elliott at 315-786-6599 or  if you have questions.



The library offers information to help you address concerns and questions on copyright. Our guide to copyright is located at:


Test Proctoring: 

For courses physically taught and attended on-campus, the library offers make-up exam proctoring for exams that individual students miss and need to make-up. Our facilities and staffing limitations do not allow us to extend this service to online students, nor to provide proxy services for entire class sections. Contact Cyndie Sloan at 315-786-6575 or for additional information on proctoring.



John Thomas

Library Director


Beverly Scarpulla,

Asst. Librarian


Cyndie Sloan,

Library Clerk / Media Center / Test Proctoring


Robin Booth,

Library Clerk / Circulation Coordinator


Renee Elliott,

Automation Coordinator / Technical Services / Interlibrary Loan Services