Students need to understand the purpose of doing research and should also understand the consequences that will result from submitting a plagiarized paper. Not only is plagiarism academically dishonest, it is also illegal. Presenting someone else's work as your own, copyrighted or not, could be grounds for prosecution. According to the Jefferson Community College Academic Honesty Policy, plagiarism is the misrepresentation of any part of another's work as one's own. (JCC Catalog). In other words, plagiarism means presenting another person's words and/or ideas without giving the proper credit. A violation of the college's Academic Honesty Policy could result in a lower grade on the assignment, a failing grade in the course or dismissal from the college.
Recommended for all students - The Plagiarism Tutorial from the University of Southern Mississippi Libraries
The Plagiarism Tutorial teaches the student about plagiarism and takes them through a quiz at the end. Students can get the graded answers and show to their professor to prove the tutorial was completed successfully.
Begin by looking for background information in reference books. Use Primo on the library homepage to search for reference books in the JCC Library. Choose the Books/Media search and then limit to Reference under Library Collections on the left. Go to JCC's reference databases for full text online reference books- find links to reference book collections, biographical information and encyclopedias. You will be asked to login when you click on a link to a database. Use your usual JCC login.
These are just a few of the business e-books available from Credo Reference through the JCC Databases. You will be asked to login when you click on a link to an e-book or a database.
Research Assistance - Spring 2025
Email is the best method to use to contact me, I check my email several times a day during my normal work hours (9:00 am - 5:00 pm EST Monday through Friday). I check email less frequently (sometimes, not at all) during the weekends and on vacation days; if you need immediate help during these times, use the email and/or chat resources listed on our Ask for Help web page.
I look forward to working with you.