Is there a book you know you want but you can't find it at the JCC Library? No problem! We can get it through Interlibrary Loan Services. Follow the instructions on the JCC Library website for borrowing books through ILLiad.
Use Primo on the library homepage to search for books in the JCC Library. Choose the Books/Media search. Then choose Held by Library under Availability on the left. To find full text electronic books (eBooks) only, use the Everything search. Chose Available Online under Availability and Books/eBooks under material Type on the left. . You will be asked to login when you click on a link to an e-book. Use your usual JCC login.
JCC Library has several books in the Reference Collection that would be useful for researching business culture and etiquette in other countries. Below are some suggestions. In addition, the circulating collection includes a series entitled "Culture Shock!". These books include a chapter on business culture in each of the countries featured. Search the term culture shock in Primo on the library homepage to see if there is a book available on your country. Also try searching business etiquette in the search box above to see if there is an e-book that may cover your topic
The books in the JCC Library are organized using the Library of Congress (LC) classification system. Books relating to business topics have call numbers that start with the letter H. Below is a list of the sub-topics under H that relate to buiness.