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SUNY Jefferson

Information Literacy and Instruction

Library Instruction

Schedule Library Instruction

Library instruction can now be tailored to any course modality: live in-person, live online, online only, etc.

Library instruction active learning exercises are proving useful and can be used in combination with in-person classes.

To see an example exercise, go to this ENG 101 research guide: (

Locate the exercise “Welcome to YOUR Library,” and click “Begin.”


In order to ensure the best library instruction session for your students, we ask the following:

  • Sessions should be requested at least two weeks in advance.
  • Course instructors must attend and remain with students for the whole session.
  • Free research time in the library can be scheduled as long as the class has received library instruction.

We also recommend the following:

  • Library instruction is most effective when situated around a research assignment. Be sure to include a copy of or a description of the research assignment your students will be working on when submitting your request.  
  • Introduce students to the research assignment prior to the scheduled library instruction. This will make what they learn in the session more applicable.
  • Work with the librarian directly prior to the library instruction. The more we understand your learning goals the more effective the session will be for the students. 

Schedule Library Instruction

To schedule a library instruction session fill out the library instruction request form.



If you would like to learn more about how to integrate information literacy into your class curriculum, you can schedule a consultation: call/email 315-786-2314 or