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The JCC Library offers good resources for research in the area of psychology, whether you can come to the library or can only connect online
Use Primo on the Library homepage to look up print books. Use the books/media search.
Print books on psychology are found in the BF section of the library. You may also find resources in the health section (RC).
173-175 Psychoanalysis 176 Psychological Tests and Testing 180-205 Experimental Psychology 207-209 Psychotropic Drugs 231-299 Sensation, Aesthiology 309-499 Consciousness, Cognition, Perception, Intuition 501-504.3 Motivation 511-593 Emotion, Feeling, Affection608-635 Will, Choice,Volition |
636-637 Applied Psychology 60-685 Comparative Psychology 698-698.9 Personality 699-711 Genetic Psychology 712-724.85 Developmental Psychology 721-723 Child Psychology 795-839.5 Temperament, Character (Ethology) 839.8-861 Physiognom |
346-429 Neurology, Diseases of the Nervous System (including speech disorders)
435-571 Psychiatry
475-489 Therapeutics, Psychotherapy
490-499 Hypnotism and Hypnosis, Suggestion Therapy
500-510 Psychoanalysis
512-571 Psychopathology
512-528 Psychoses
530-552 Neuroses
554-569.5 Personality Disorders, Behavior Problems (including sexual problems, drug abuse, suicide, child abuse)
Use Primo on the Library homepage to find full text e-books. Limit your search results to Available Online under Availability and eBooks/Books under Material Type. if you asked to logon to get to full text use your JCC login.
There are also some good reference e-books available through the JCC databases.
Below are just a sample of the many excellent e-books on psychology that you can access online.
Here are suggested databases for psychology research. In addition, several other general topic databases may also provide good psychology resources.
Below are just a few suggestions for good websites for psychology research. There are many very good websites out there, and and also many not-so-good websites. Remember to evaluate any website that you use for research! Your work is only as good as the resources that you choose to use. The list below was compiled by librarian William Pankey of William Rainey Harper College and used with his permission.
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