Try using Primo on the library homepage. It gives you a Google-type search of almost all the library's resources, including print books, DVDs, streaming video, electronic books, articles from databases and electronic reference sources.
The JCC Library offers good resources for research in the area of political science, whether you can come to the library or can only connect online
Use Primo on the Library homepage to look up print books. Use the books/media search.
Print books on political science are found in the J section of the library. You will also find resources in the history sections ( D, E and F).
Use Primo on the Library homepage to find full text e-books. Limit your search results to Available Online under Availability and eBooks/Books under Material Type. if you asked to logon to get to full text use your JCC login.
There are also some good reference e-books available through the JCC databases.
Below are just a sample of the many excellent e-books on political science that you can access online.
Here are suggested databases for political science research. In addition, several other general topic databases may also provide good political science resources.
Here are some suggested Internet sites related to the various aspects of Political Science including International Relations and those views from the Right and Left. Thanks to librarian Diane Cockrell from Montgomery College for sharing this list.
Here are some Internet sites for you the citizen to find out information related to your voting rights and your federal government.
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